Best Of the Beard Mountain World

I'm Lewis, and this is my beard story

I'm Lewis, and this is my beard story. I have a beard for a very specific reason. It's no secret, but it's not like I run around...

Beard Balms

Benefits of beard balms are abundant because of the ingredients that the best product brands build them with.

Beard balm ingredients that actually work

  • Cocoa butter
  • Shea butter
  • Beeswax
  • Hemp oil
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Tea tree oil
  • Lavender essential oils

The benefits of beard balms go as far as giving you a fuller, more voluptuous beard that is free from irritation and itchiness as well as hydrated, softer facial hair.

Your mustache will be easier to style and your beard would have a healthy-looking shine to it along with being soft to touch.

The best beard balm brands can also be used during the day so you could easily apply some on if needed without an issue with the fragrance affecting your work environment. You'll find similar benefits in beard oils as well as beard balms. Read on!

beard mountain branding

Beard balm ingredients that actually work

Cocoa butter reduces skin sensitivity and swelling while at the same time hydrating your facial hair follicles by sealing in moisture.

Shea Butter & Beeswax

Shea butter is perfect for restoring dry and damaged hair as well as preventing split ends and frizzy hair, all benefits you can enjoy when using beard balms with this ingredient.

Beeswax will help to style your beard comfortably without it falling apart or looking unkempt because of the wax coating on it. It also acts as an antibacterial agent, moisturizes and softens facial hair, all of which works hand-in-hand with other beard balm ingredients such as cocoa butter and jojoba oil.

Hemp Oil & Jojoba Oil

Hemp oil is a perfect beard balm ingredient to soften your facial hair and skin underneath it all while fighting off itchiness and irritation from dryness. Vitamin E oil is easily absorbed by the skin so you know that you are getting great benefits from it when using beard balms with this ingredient included in them.

Jojoba oil will bring out a fuller beard because of its easy-to-absorb nature, which means that your facial hair follicles can get more nutrients without being damaged or causing any harm to the skin underneath the beard.

Avocado oil hydrates, softens, and nourishes both the face beneath the beard as well as the strands themselves softer facial hair that feels much better to touch.

Tree Oil - you heard that right!

Tea tree oil is used as an antibacterial agent so you can be sure that any beard balms containing this ingredient will always smell fresh without the worry of bacteria residing on your facial hair. Lavender essential oils are great for combating dandruff by balancing out oil production, which in turn cleans away flakes and helps give you a fuller beard thanks to the relief it provides your skin from itchiness.

All these ingredients help men who want fuller beards along with soft facial hair that's easier to style because of how moisturized it is throughout the day or night.

It doesn't matter what time of year it is, whether it's summer or winter, daily use should see your beard looking its best at all times.

The best beard balm brands have these ingredients so you know that you are getting the most out of your beard care routine.

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