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I'm Lewis, and this is my beard story

I'm Lewis, and this is my beard story. I have a beard for a very specific reason. It's no secret, but it's not like I run around...

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Goatee Styles

Finding the right goatee styles for you to grow out isn't as simple as letting facial hair grow. There are different types of goatee styles and forms and this guide aims to help you pick the right one.

Goatee Styles Based On Type

A goatee style is famously seen on people like David Beckham or Johnny Depp where their shapes match their goatee type perfectly. Brad Pitt in some famous movies is seen sporting facial hair in the style of a true goatee. Here is how you pick the right goatee style and we categorized each below.

Here is the list of goatee types:

  • Chin Goatee
  • Van Dyke Goatee
  • Imperial Style Goatee
  • Stubble Goatee
  • Extended Goatee
  • Small (Petite) Goatee
  • Classic Goatee
  • Anchor Goatee
  • Soul Patch


Chin Goatee

The chin goatee is the most popular Goatee styles for men, since it's the easiest to grow. This Goatee style is very simple and simply requires hair on your chin but not much hair growth on cheeks or mustache trimmer reviews.

This Goatee type is characterized by short hair on chin but longer hair grows along the mandible area down to sideburns.

Van Dyke Goatee

The Van Dyke Goatee ,which is also know as the soul patch, is a Goatee styles type which requires hair growth on chin and along sideburns.

The Van Dyke is characterized by face hairs that are longer than those of a chin goatee but very short compared to other Goatees styles. Sometimes this Goatee type has hair below the bottom lip area but not always. Van dyke is popular for those of us with strong beard growing abilities where beard style is second nature. Van Dyke is really popular among experienced beard style men. Complimenting a beard would be van dyke goatee without a doubt.

Imperial Goatee Style

The Imperial Goatee can be described as an elegant Goatees styles since it's like a combination of the Van Dyke and the = Beard where there's full-grown mustache with beard and only hair on chin; nothing else. The Imperial Goatee looks best when you shave your neck clean .

Stubble Goatee

The stubble goatee look is a goatee style and all the rage nowadays and with good reason. This Goatees style is a combination of a Goatee, a five o'clock shadow and stubble. The only difference from the goatee is that it's best when you have solid 5 o'clock shadow on cheeks which is why this Goatees type is more rare than the rest.

Extended Goatee

What is an extended goatee? Goatees styles are known for being simple but this Goatee style is a combination of Goatee with mustache, which also distinguishes it from other Goatees types. This is the most complicated Goatee style because you need to grow out both face hairs but since they are adjacent - in opposite directions - it's simpler to take care of.

The Goatee Beard Styles Type And Form

There are two types of Goatees beard styles - the natural Goatee and the form Goatee.

Natural Goatees work best with square shapes . The natural Goatees look like how a guy would look if he didn't shave but only grew out his facial hair.

On the other hand, Form Goatees are trim Goatee styles which require you to maintain a specific length for your face hairs and usually use a trimmer when shaving. These Goatees look best for people with oval shapes that still have chin hair growth even when you shave or do not have it at all.

Petite Goatee

What is this original goatee style? Goatees styles are also categorized by their shapes which you can tell depending on the one you want to grow. A Goatee style has three basic forms - smaller Goatee, Extended Goatee and Natural Goatee. Much like short beards, medium beard, and long beard types i.e. the yeard.

The smaller goatee is simply a Goatees styles that is very short with specific hair length and a shaved mustache area.

Extended Goatees are a Goatee style that has specific Goatee length so it's not as short as the Petite but is long enough to have a chin with hair growth and some on the sides of the jawline.

On the other hand, Natural Goatee styles are Goatees styles that are long enough to grow hair on chin and mustache area. This Goatee type is also known as the Chin Goatee Goatees style.

Classic Goatee

A classic goatee is quite literally the definition of a goatee. Definition of a goatee:

It is made of hair on chin, mustache and sideburns; nothing else. A Classic Goatee works best with oval face shapes because there's always hair on the chin area .

Goatee Styles And Facial Hair Color

All Goatees styles are made of face hairs that are black except if the Goatee is brown colored Goatees. Pure Goatee styles - even full goatee - come in many colors but most Goatee types are brunette or black since it is still predominantly made of face hair.

Full Goatee

Trying to grow a full goatee? Full goatees are types of Goatees styles that have hair on chin and mustache; nothing else. Full Goatees work best if you're naturally endowed with a lot of facial hair but you can also make them by shaving all other areas then growing them out.

Anchor Goatee

An anchor goatee is a combination of Full Goatee, Full Beard and Chin Strap with Beard. Full beards go well with Full Goatees because they can create interesting patterns - like an anchor - but it's up to you if you want that or not.

What is an anchor beard?

Anchor beards style is a must have for the ladies. The look of an anchor beard is like the look of the mountain man.

Ever hard of the Van Dyke Beard?

A Van Dyke beard is a combination of Goatee, Mustache and Soul Patch - only hair above upper lip. Although there are several variations on where the soul patch is located, usually it starts just beneath the bottom lip on sideburn area or middle part of chin.

Soul Patch Goatee

A soul patch goatee is an extended Goatees style with hair on chin area and hairline. Full beards don't work well with Full Goatees because it looks way too busy but a Patch can create interesting patterns when combined with Full Beard or Full Mustache or even Handlebar mustaches .

How To Maintain A Soul Patch Goatee

A soul patch is basically like a peach-fuzz mustache where it's thinner than facial hair surrounding it. A soul patch will need how how often it's maintained because it can be easily noticed

Goatee Styles And Hairline

You can decide to have a Full Goatee with Full Beard but using a different hairline shape. Full beards go well with all kinds of facial hair - from Full Goatees, Extended Goatees to Anchor Goatees and Full mustaches - so there are unlimited types of patterns.

Landing Strip Goatee

A landing strip goatee is an extended Goatees style with hair on chin area, mustache and landing strip. A landing strip is basically a line of hair that's shaved underneath the nose which resembles landing gear.

Perfect Goatee Style

The perfect goatee style is basically how you can describe how symmetrical your goatee is. The best goatee style from these different goatee styles includes a beard usually.

Goatees Styles And Your Face Shape: Shave a goatee best practices

All Goatees styles are made to look good on almost any face shapes because the only thing that changes how they'll look is how well-kept they are.

You can shave all other areas of your face but if you have facial hair - even just on your mustache area - you can grow, maintain and style all kinds of Goatees styles.

How to Grow Out Your Goatee

There are different types of how how long it takes to grow out a goatee . You can start growing out your new goatee in 1-2 weeks but how long does it take to grow a goatee is up how how fast your facial hair grows.

What if I have a weak chin?

If you have a weak chin then a goatee will cover the chin area completely. Goatees are not just for guys with huge chins - even if you have a small chin, you can still grow and style all kinds of goatee styles.

What about my upper lip?

The upper lip is considered to be part of the mustache area so you can grow, maintain and style all kinds of Goatees styles on your upper lip. Handlebar mustaches work best with a soul patch because they create interesting patterns when combined together.

What about a thing mouth?

A goatee will work well with any thin mouth shape because you can style your goatees in different ways. If your mouth is fat, you'll need to maintain it more often so it doesn't look like a bowl of Jello.

What about my face?

All types of facial hair works best with all types of Goatees because of their natural appearance. A regular beard or even being clean shaven is plenty of grounds for growing a long goatee, soul patch, wider goatee, and more.

What if I don't have enough time?

If you want your goatee to look good then it should be well-kept . If you don't have enough time to maintain your pure goatee then it's better not to grow one. More hair on your face means there is more work to be done in order to maintain a desired length. The longer your facial hair becomes you'll grow thicker patches, even with the goatee.

What if I can't decide on what facial hair style to pick?

We all know that most men don't pay attention for detail; no judgement here. If you're having a hard time looking at all the different types of goatee styles then choose one that you think looks best on you.

Goatees Styles And Nostrils

If your nostrils are big then a soul patch is not for you because it will make them look bigger. If your nostrils are small, either Full Goatee or Patch Goatees can work. A goatee beard without mustache is the best goatee for guys who have larger nostrils.

Goatees Styles And Your Eye color

If you're in a profession that needs you to dress in formal suits then all types of full goatees - even Full Goatees with hair on chin and mustache area - will work if your hair is not too dark.

If you're a hipster then all types of goatees styles will work as long as your hair is not too dark for your skin tone and if your hair is dark then it's better to grow out Handlebar Mustache .

How To Get A Goatee Beard?

You can grow out the hair on your mustache area and chin then style it into different types of goatee styles without shaving. If you're not that patient then get a cheap electric beard trimmer or clippers to trim down the areas where you don't want any facial hair; like cheeks , neck and sideburns.

You should never shave your mustache area if you want to have a handlebar. No matter how short or long your goatee is, you will always need the hair on your chin area to have a Handlebar because it can't grow without that.

Facial Hair Styles For The Goatee Beard

The goatee became popular when it appeared in the TV series ''Dallas''. However, all types of facial hair styles can be combined with a goatee - from full beards to mustaches and from sideburns to soul patches.

Can I have a full goatee beard?

There are different types of facial hair that can be combined with goatees such as full beards. You can also have a full beard and grow, maintain and style all kinds of Goatees styles - even if you prefer to only have a mustache area. Small goatee beard styles are also acceptable in case you can't grow a beard.

Best beard style for your goatee beard

The best goatee beard style for any goatee is hands down the standard beard with hair extending beyond stray hairs. If you like to keep your beard short then you'll see the goatee's shape pretty easily. Chin puff beards won't do well here nor will a circle beard if you have difficulty growing face hair. Chin hair is vital to beard style and a goatee beard.

How To Maintain Your Goatee

There are different types of how how often you should maintain your goatee beard. You can maintain any type of goatee in one way although how how often you should shave your beard also depends how how fast ones facial hair grows.

How To Trim Your Goatee Beard

There are different types of how how to trim your goatee . A goatee beard can be trimmed with how how big it is but you can also use beard trimmers if you want to make it even shorter.

How To Shave Your Goatee

There are different ways to shave your goatee beard. In order to shave your goatee properly, you'll need a shaving cream, a shaving brush and an electric razor.

How To Shave Your Full Goatee Beard

There are different ways to shave your full goatees. In order to shave your full goatee properly, you'll need a shaving cream, a shaving brush and an electric razor because dry shaving goes against shaving best practices.

A full goatee is basically a beard and mustache which are shaped into a triangle that covers the whole chin area. A full goatee needs how how often it's shaved because if you don't shave your facial hair properly, other people will see your mistakes.

How To Shave Your Anchor Goatee

There are different ways to shave your anchor goatees . In order to shave your anchor goatee properly, you'll need a shaving cream, a shaving brush and an electric razor because dry shaving goes against shaving best practices.

How To Trim A Soul Patch

There are different types of how how to trim a patch goatee. A patch goatee can be trimmed with how how big it is but you can also use beard trimmers if you want to make it even shorter.

How To Trim And Shape Anchor Goatees

There are different types of how how to trim and shape anchor goatees. The best way to do this is by using a beard trimmer and an electric razor because dry shaving goes against shaving best practices.

Mutton Chops & Goatee Beard Styles

Mutton chops are the same thing as the goatee . They are basically beards that you shape into chops. However, it's important to remember that the higher up your facial hair goes towards your ears , the more of a jowl effect you'll get

Goatee Beard and The Neck or Chin

You should never shave your mustache area if you want to have a handlebar . No matter how short or long your goatee is, you will always need the hair on your chin area to have a Handlebar Mustache because it can't grow without that.

What about my chin shape?

The best way to visualize what your goatee would look like is by imagining a vertical line that starts at the center of your lips and goes down towards the chin. If you find it too hard to visualize, here are some helpful diagrams .

How To Grow A Goatee Fast

If your facial hair grows very slowly, there are different ways to speed up the process for consistent length. The best way to do this is by using facial hair growth products - if you don't have those, you can also use castor oil as a substitute. We strongly suggest using beard oil for starters. This in combination with beard balm should help jumpstart the goatee growth process.

What about shaving my mustache area?

In case you want a handlebar but your goatee grows slower than an average person's , there are different products that might help you. We suggest growing your facial hair for about two weeks before shaving the rest off. If you still have problems, try using castor oil or beard oil in order to speed up the process because this is how much it takes usually to grow a handlebar out of a goatee .

What about shaving my chin area?

A chin goatee is great! In order to shave your full goatee properly, you'll need a shaving cream, a shaving brush and an electric razor because dry shaving goes against shaving best practices. We suggest growing your beard for about two weeks before trimming the rest off because that's how much it takes - if you can't grow a handlebar yet, you should first grow a chin goatee.

If you're looking for how to shape a patch goatee, use some beard trimmers and an electric razor because dry shaving goes against shaving best practices. We suggest growing your facial hair for about two weeks before trimming the rest off because that's how long it takes for a patch goatee to grow properly.

What about my chin shape?

There are different ways to shave your anchor goatee, even chin goatee for that matter. However, it's important to remember that the higher up your facial hair goes towards your ears , the more of a jowl effect you'll get and if you want to reduce this effect, we suggest shaving the bottom part of your goatee first .

Just the chin style goatee

If you want to stick to your face shape and only have a style goatee that appreciates clean shaven looks then make sure your goat patch is the same length as your beard and hair around the mouth. The original goatee is circular shape with a drop off towards the beard stemming from around the mouth.


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