Best Of the Beard Mountain World

I'm Lewis, and this is my beard story

I'm Lewis, and this is my beard story. I have a beard for a very specific reason. It's no secret, but it's not like I run around...

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Encyclopedia of 9 Different Mustache Types

There are many different mustache types and this guide aims to explain each one. Pick the right mustache for your face and beard type.

Despite my defense of the beard, I do envy a great mustache. I’ve even become fond of the styling of lip curtains over the years when it comes to being paired with a beard. It’s even common when the unfortunate occurs and you must shave your beard, to play with different styles of beard and mustache. Join me on a journey through time as we examine the great mustaches of the world. 

1) The Toothbrush Mustache

The toothbrush mustache was prominent in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They are named due to their resemblance to a hair brush. It’s a mustache that covers all of the upper lip area and has different, packed bristles.

First made popular by Charlie Chaplin in 1914, the Toothbrush Mustache has taken on a negative meaning in over the last hundred or so. Thanks to some douche canoe named Adolph Hitler, who was order to shave his mustache in1915 for his gas mask to fit. The look has been viewed as a hate symbol and is now viewed upon as a questionable choice.

So questionable that even His Airness himself, Michael Jordan, couldn’t bring it back when he tried to in 2010. 

 2) The Handlebar Mustache

The handlebar mustache was the style du jour in the 19th century. It’s a long curly mustache that should curl at least down to the jaw line and up to the end of the sideburn area. The ends are waxed and twirled up towards the center, appearing like different rams horns. Victorian men loved their handlebars, but by the early 20th century, only circus and rodeo stars could get away with it.

What do Hulk Hogan, William Taft, JP Morgan, and Wyatt Earp all have in common? The infamous handlebar mustache. This is one we have all tried and is the gateway to growing my favorite beard style, The Lemmy. Named for its bottomless rectangle appearance, it has become very popular over the years. It is most commonly found in film on either a biker or a cowboy and is super simple to recreate. 

3) The Military Mustache

The military mustache is worn in different lengths, typically the stubble beard or more of a full face with it. They are typically not stache only although, some daring men do make it work Known widely as the cop stache, the military is thick, yet groomed. The look is one that shows true facial hair prowess for those who can’t show the full beard for one reason or another. Danny Glover and John Holmes come to mind when you think of this mustache.  Either a goatee or soul patch is preferred to balance out the look.

4) The Pencil Thin Mustache

The Pencil Mustache is just that, a very thin and fine line of hair on the upper lip. This mustache is different because it doesn’t cover the whole top lip like most others. The ends curl inward and are generally longer in length than the width which creates a different effect.

You either love or you hate this one. I can see why some men pull it off and others do not. The thinness of the mustache can make you appear different and this look is one to take time getting used to. Either way, I think Tom Hardy pulls this one off better than most.

You good, bro? Are you sure you aren’t on any watch lists? I’m not saying this is a no go, but I am saying this style alone is creepy as fuck. Worn famously by self-proclaimed “Sleazy Exploitation Filmmaker”, John Water, this is a style usually given to the creeps of a film. What possesses you to wake up one day and ask what a pencil drawing on your upper lip would look like? Again, not sayying there is anything wrong with it, if you have one... weirdo. 

 5) The Zappa Mustache

This style was made famous by the lord of stoner music himself, Frank Zappa. With a mustache that grows slightly below the corners of the lips and a wide soul patch, it is iconic. Sometimes the mustache is connected to a beard but, usually not.

Frank Zappa’s mustaches are different variations of the same style. They are all groomed for different occasions and different moods, but they are always different styles. This is what makes him an icon in my eyes, he didn’t care if he was famous or not. He was going to do whatever he wanted and be different no matter what.

 6) The Chevron Mustache

Want a loud and noticeable caterpillar on your upper lip? This bold mustache was popularized by Queen’s Freddie Mercury and takes up a good amount of facial real estate.  The chevron mustache is a style that first rose to fame in the late 19th century. It’s basically hair styled into different inverted triangles with the point facing towards the chin or above it.

 7) The Fu Manchu Mustache

The Fu Manchu Mustache is different than other mustaches because it has to be connected. There should not be any hair above the upper lip and this mustache should always trail down and underneath the chin line.

You either love this one or you hate it, but if you go for it, there’s no turning back. This lip ornamentation is different and should be reserved for different occasions where one is looking to make a statement or alienation.

This mustache was made famous by the Chinese leader, Dr. Fu Manchu who has been portrayed in different mediums over the years. This mustache isn’t just different by its name but also because it trails off into hair below it. It’s a different kind of different.

9) The Dali Mustache

The Dali mustache is different because it isn’t connected to a beard and has different lengths on it. Salvador Dali, or shall I say Lord Douchebag or whatever his name is these days, made this style famous by wearing the long hairs on the sides and the much shorter hairs in between. It’s different because it needs to look intentional and different. If you can pull this one off, great, be different, but I wouldn't recommend conforming to society like that.

This mustache was made popular by none other than Salvador Dali as it is different from any other mustache. It’s different because it isn’t connected to a beard and has different lengths on it. Salvador Dali, or shall I say Lord Douchebag or whatever his name is these days, made this style famous by wearing the long hairs on the sides and the much shorter hairs in between.

How do you pick the right mustache type?

While we could spend days going over mustache styles, allow this list of nine to start your research. If you are unable to grow facial hair, different options are available for different face shapes. Just because you can’t grow out your mustache doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with it.

Your best option is to list different mustaches and find the one that is different than the others but also different for your specific needs. different mustaches are different, but one different mustache might be different for different people.

The main thing to remember is if you’re going to go different, make sure it looks intentional and different. If you can pull this off that would be great but I wouldn't recommend conforming to society like that.

Your environment is different than mine so the mustache type that you have should be different. different mustaches are different. It just depends on different factors, like style and circumstance.

If you want to pick the right one, make sure it looks intentional and different according to your needs because different mustaches are different for different people.

Mustache Types Concluding Thoughts

Try whatever you feel suits you best and remember to have fun with it. Even though it takes patience to grow facial hair, it does grow back. Maybe it is a wager. Maybe it’s an experiment in individuality. It’s up to you when it comes to the statement you’ll make.


For best mustache results, I recommend our mustache waxes. Don’t forget to use promo code Villain10 at check out.    


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